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Why do i believe in Jonghoon's innocence (part 1)

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First of all i have to admit that before i'v never been such a big fan of Jonghoon (and I'm not a fan of Jung Joon Yong. I don't know his music and frankly i dislike his personality and never been happy with the fact that Jonghoon is JJY's friend). I love Ftisland for their great music and for me Jonghoon was just a kid with great guitar skills and i loved his compositions the most of all their songs but never felt him somehow close to my heart, never even thought he is handsome or, etc. I liked only the musician but didn't pay much attention to the person Jonghoon, he was just part of the group.

Maybe that's why, at the beginning, when the kakaotalk chat was revealed for the first time, I was shocked, disappointed and furious, too. But very soon i stared to analyze the known facts and the information that all the media poured on us. I started to realize that there is something, much bigger at the background, that someone is trying to cover up with this case and as much i was getting to know details, the more fake and wittingly misrepresented seemed all this. Actually there were several large-scale scandals to be covered at that time - all of them had politicians of the highest ranks involved in. But I'll explain them later.


Now let me first talk about the accusations of r*pe, as the most serious accusation.


Initially, it was reported that a woman (JJY's acquaintance) went out for a drink with the five men (including JJY and Jonghoon) in March 2016. She immediately blacked out after accepting alcohol from them and woke up in the morning fully naked in a hotel room. But few days later she, personally, said in an interview that the case took place in Daegu. She went there with the men for 3 rounds of drinking in different bars, then they invited her in their hotel room for more drinking and she went there by herself. At the hotel room, after drinking another glass of alcohol, she fell asleep, and she doesn't remember anything more, only how she woke up in the morning, fully naked, in the bed and the five men laughing at her. She asked for her underwear and clothes and they gave it to her, she got dressed and left the hotel immediately without asking them what happened because she felt ashamed. At the moment and later, she didn't suspect any sexual assault.


After 3 years she saw the news reports about JJY' chatroom conversations and shared pics and videos of women and she started to suspect that she's maybe a victim (initially, she thought she was just a victim of an illegal hidden camera but later after talking with the lawyer she started to think that she is a victim of s*xual assault).


Let's analyze what her testimony means?


(Source 1)


(Read the 9 points below, following the arrows)

1st - She drank with them voluntarily

First of all she was not drugged or forced to drink with them. She, absolutely consciously and voluntarily, went there in Deagu, with 5 men, late at night, to drink at 3 different bars. She didn't say, "no" to drinking, she even accepted their invitation for more drinking in their hotel room at the wee hours. And what could happen after 4 rounds of drinking - even if you are good drinker you'd black out!

2nd - She was not forced to the hotel room

They invited her, and she went there on her feet. She knew that she is a single young pretty woman with 5 young, healthy, drunk men and she voluntarily went to their hotel room at the night. Not during the day, not even in the evening but late at night, to spend the night there. She didn't decline their invitation. She didn't say she would go home or at her hotel room. And they didn't force her to come to their room or they didn't bring her on their backs.

3rd - She went to their hotel room to sleep there

What else could happen if you go at a hotel room for more drinking at the wee hours when you are already drunk - nothing more and nothing less than to sleep there. It's close to impossible someone to be able to not fall asleep after 4 rounds of drinking so late at night and to get out of there alone, on her feet and reach home safely.

Why do i believe in Jonghoon's innocence (part 2)

Jonghoon's participation in the other case is even more vague and ridiculous.


Several women (no certain number) claim that they were invited by JJY at a hotel in Hongcheon to accompany his friends on their vacation. There were 2 rooms - men's and women's. At the night they drunk together in the men's room. One of the women felt sleepy and retired to the women's room where she blacked out and remembers nothing but in the morning she woke up not on the place where she fell asleep. The other women continued to drink with the men and at some moment they also fell asleep in the women's room (because in the morning they all woke up there).


So, they all claim that they were r*ped but know and remember nothing. They have no idea who r*ped them and were they r*ped at all because like in the case of victim A, they also didn't suspect r*pe for 3 years and only after the chat conversation was revealed they got the idea that they definitely were r*ped by all the men! You can't accuse anyone just by presumption - because I remember nothing and because he was there then he did that. They also didn't have their clothes torn, didn't have scratches and bruises or other signs of violence.
In the chat room conversation, there are hooks only regarding the girl who first fell asleep. Mr Kim posted 20 sec video, Seungri asked who's that and Mr Kim posted 3 more pics, Mr Park replies with "kkk". That's all! There is no Jonghoon at all. At the court's trial, it was revealed that on the video there are man and woman, that probably have s*xual intercourse but it's not visible with certain. The woman is with closed eyes, and that could mean she is unconscious.


It was also revealed that the man on the video is Mr Kwon, he acknowledged it. Mr Kim admitted for taking the video. There is no proof for anyone else of the men to be there and there is no need to look of more culprits if we have the culprits - Mr Kwon and Mr Kim who admitted their wrongdoing.
Then it's just absurd why and how Jonghoon was involved in this case and even got sentenced for that only because he was in the same hotel but at the other room that night! He probably didn't even know what was going on in the next room, as he was drinking and chatting with the other guys and girls. He is not babysitter of Mr Kwon or Mr Kim to ask them where they are going and what they are doing. Also, he couldn't know if they had s*x with the girl with her consent or without. It's absurd even to charge him of abetment.


(Source 1, 2,)

The proofs in the conversations and the videos

Now, about the conversation and the videos If the victim/witness's testimony doesn't prove r*pe then the only "evidence" that the police and the court have are that JJY and friends chat logs - their conversations and the pics/videos they shared. So what exactly they are? The media showed us only few sentences (the most shocking and revealing) that are not complete and do not follow consecutively but with some big gaps. It's also unclear about what they are talking and is the topic the same of all the sentences or they change the topic meanwhile. At some places the conversation looks unnatural and that shows it was cut off and mixed to fit the idea that the media was trying to suggest to the public. Also these manipulated chat logs are translated into english for the international audience even more tendentious.

In the case of so-called "victim A", we have this short conversation:


JJY: But yesterday together with Jonghoon we had
Kim: Funny
JJY: (4 sec audio file)
With sounds like that i'm laugting, too

.  (there is a gap)
JJY: After all, she wanted to sleep with a celebrity

.  (gap again)
JJY: Ah, you have video?
XXhyung took it with flash kkk
Quickly erased kkk
Before Jonghoon to save it.
Jonghoon: kkkk

.(gap again)
Kim: Before waking up ... did but
Jonghoon while endured laughing, i admit.


So this conversation shows only that she was sleeping, and JJY took an audio file of her snoring and everyone laughed on the funny noises she's doing (well, a drunk person, man or woman, is never nice picture).
And that JJY says "she wanted to sleep with celebrity". So his words if they could be a proof of anything it's only that the s*x was with her consent as she expressed her desire to sleep with celebity (JJY or Jonghoon). If JJY is certain that she expressed her consent to have s*x, then at least in his mind it was not r*pe, then why he would describe it as r*pe?


Why the media didn't show us the proper words they used but manipulated the audience that JJY and friends used words that could implies s*xual assault. But the big question is WHY they would use this word if according to them it's not r*pe and they did nothing wrong? And lets be frank, how many (countless) times people use in their conversations words like F*CK without meaning s*xual assault or anything with s*xual content. So, it's so natural that these guys used such word in the chat but why on earth it have to mean s*xual assault!


The other big question is why actually they are talking about this in the morning?! They all are there at the same hotel room, they all r*ped her just few hours ago, but now they inform each other for what they did few hours ago. In the morning they were still together as they all are in Daegu not in their homes. They could talk about that personally, to laugh and to show each other the pics/videos/audio they took last night but there is no need of Kakaotalk chat, at all. And they mention some XXhyung who shot video with flash but later erased - but who is this hyung? If they talk about an unknown person, who was not there that night, that proves they are not talking about this case at all, it's not about this girl, and not about this night. Then all their conversation is mixed and manipulated!


Another thing is that Jonghoon says nothing disrespectful or indicating that he did anything wrong. He only laughs to the comment that they deleted the video before he saves it, but we don't even know what kind of video it is? And he is mentioned only twice - that they deleted the video before he saves it, and for enduring his laugh before someone waking up (not clear who). Then how this conversation could incriminates him of r*pe!


By the way it was another brazen lie and manipulation that Jonghoon was talking disrespectful things about women and laughed at the victims of s*xual assaults. There is NO, even just one line, written by Jonghoon with such content! (More detailed in "Crimes" and "Evidences")


The most shocking conversations that media leaked from JJY's chatrooms (his chatrooms were 23 with different members, and Jonghoon was NOT part of most of them) were these: (source)


But Jonghoon is NOT part of them, too. There is no Jonghoon but there are the initials of other people that were not revealed to the public. WHY? Why the media accused Jonghoon of something he didn't do but hide the names of men who really talked obscenity? It's amazing and disappointing how even fans allowed to be manipulated by media and believed that Jonghoon also talked obscenity. Well, he was friend of JJY and sometimes read such comments by the others and didn't say anything to stop them. It's not good of course but also he is not a judge, he is just a friend. Sometimes people tend to forgive lots of bad things to their friends as they know not only their bad but also they good side. But at least Jonghoon himself didn't say anything to be ashamed of.


The scandals that had to be covered

As i mentioned earlier the case with JJY's kakaotalk chat and the r*pe accusations were invented only to cover several scandals involving high-rank politicians. It was politically driven for another credible reason - the feminist organizations standing behind the current south korean presid*nt.


The presid*nt was elected thanks to several of the most powerful feminist organizations in korea. So he owes a lot to them and repays them well. Of course these organizations don't really care about the women's rights and wellbeing, neither about the victims or real crimes. These organizations just wanted a big show that will bring them to the spotlight and will earn them more followers and money. They needed to make the public believe they are doing great job in defending the victims, so there had to be a case involving famous celebrities (because they would keep the public attention for a long time and they are convenient because they have no power and political protection), a terrible crime and a severe punishment. They created the perfect spectacle for the public and when the public was set fierce enough they gave them the "culprits" (JJY and friends) to tear them to pieces.


By the way, recently there was a scandal with one of these organizations - that raise funds for the survived "comfort women". It was revealed that the president of this organization who is close ally with the country's presid*nt appropriated millions of dollars over the year and did nothing good for the victims. JJY (and even Jonghoon) was criticized for disrespecting the "comfort women" in his private conversations while at the same time the president's close friend stole the money of these victims!


But let me explain in details the other scandals that JJY and Jonghoon's case covered. The first one is the s*xual assault case of one of president's closest ally - former South Chungcheong Province Gov. Ahn Hee Jung. He was accused by his aide of multiple assaults. Initially he was found not guilty because of lack of evidence and saying that only the victim's testimony is not enough, and even blaming the victim. The case caused lots of protests and critics against the ruling party and the president so, finally, An Hee Jung was sentenced of three and half years in prison. Of course, this case had to be covered with something much "spicy" and spectacular to distract public's attention and this celebrity chat room's scandalous conversations were just perfect for that purpose.


Second case to cover was the spread of rumors that one of president's trusted friends Cho Guk, who was appointed for a minister of Justice few months later, is involved in corruption, forging documents, power abuse, etc. That was successfully covered for the time, Cho Guk got the ministerial post, but later he was discharged from office and indicted.


The third case - re-opening of Jang Ja yeon's suicide case. There were also involved influential political figures and a media group CEO. In this case everything was fully covered. And the most interesting thing is that the case of Jung Jung Young and Jonghoon came right in time and it was the same type of scandal - s*xual assault but much interesting, because involved young and famous celebrities.


All the print, net and broadcast media covered day and night the scandal with Jonghoon repeating all the same details to wash the brains of the audience, and the media conveniently "forgot" about the real scandal. Because it was about real s*xual abuse of young women. The case was closed with none of the perpetrators to be punished because they said there was not solid evidences, the key witness was discredited, charged with fraud and forced to leave the country. And all the netizens very soon totally forgot about this tragic story but still pour hate on Jonghoon, who did nothing.


The public/netizens is easy to manipulate not because people a stupid, but because people now and too busy and full of stress, so they need of "easily digestible food" for their brains - there is an interesting show and even the culprits are indicted so i don't need to think, i just have to pour my negative energy on them and feel relieved at the end of the day.


And now, the fourth scandal that had to be covered and the reason why precisely Jonghoon (+ Jung Jun Young, Mr. Kwon, Mr. Kim and Mr. Heo) were turned into culprits, was Burnig Sun! So cleverly the attention was distracted from the real case and has drawn to masterly written scenario. Let's recall where everything stared from.
Mr Kim (not this one from the kakaotalk chat, but just a citizen and client of Burning Sun) was a witness of s*xual assault in Burning Sun and tried to help the girl but the club's guards beat him and threw out. After he had called police, the police officers arrested him instead of helping him because high rank police superiors were paid by Burning Sun to cover such cases. Mr Kim later made it vocal to the media and that's how whole the case unfold.


At the beginning the case was all about Burning Sun - it was revealed that there occurred countless cases of drugging and s*xual assaults on girls and the perpetrators were VIP clients in the Vip rooms. There was a case of a girl who testified in police that she was drinking her glass of alcohol in Burning Sun and then she lost consciousness and later she woke up with torn clothes and bruises and scratches on her body. She immediately suspected s*xual assault and went to police with her father. (NOTE! The great difference with the so-called "victim" in Jonghoon's case, who didn't notice any bruises and scratches on her body when she woke up, she was nude but her clothes were intact and that's why she didn't even suspect s*xual assault)


Revealed were chat room conversations between Burning Sun staff members that proved the suspicions of s*xual assaults that occurred in Burning Sun. The case was growing and growing every day. Burning Sun was closed and inspections started in all the night clubs in Korea. The case was on the verge to expose influential political and business figures, that were regular clients in the VIP rooms in Burning Sun and that ordered girls whom to assault s*xually.


(Source 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 )

The chat that proves nothing

Right at the moment before the Burning Sun case to expose influential political and business figures, just from nowhere, so conveniently, appeared the files of that kakaotalk chat between Jung Jun Young and friends. At first it looked like it was just the same case development, disclosure of more dirty secrets around Burning Sun, more facts that will reveal the truth. The media started to talk about s*xual assaults mentioned in Jung Jun Yong's chat room as if they happened on Burning Sun and as if it was extension of that chat room conversation between Burning Sun staff members, mentioned earlier.


I'm surprised to know that people, even Ftisland's proper fans, really stared to believe that Jonghoon's conversations in Kakaotalk are part of these explicit s*x and women's derogatory conversations of Burning Sun's staff members! No, actually, Jonghoon's name didn't appear in these conversations at all, and it was only how the media mixed and parallelly talked about the both kakaotalk conversations to leave the audience with the feeling it's the same thing and to make the audience merge the both things in their memories. I recommend you all to look for and read again, carefully, in which kakaotalks Jonghoon's name really appear and what exactly are his comments. If you really do it, I guarantee you'll be quite surprised by the truth that's much different than your memories, manipulated from media.


The journalists intentionally twisted the words to look like Jung Jun Young and his friends were the VIP clients who did the s*xual assaults in Burning Sun's VIP rooms, or at least that they knew about this, covered it and actively took part in Burning Sun's dirty business.


In fact Jonghoon and JJY's names don't appear in any business related Seungri chats.These are different types of chats and don't forget it - it was JJY's phone and JJY's talks with friends, so it really has nothing to do with secrets of Seungri's business, that was just in another kakaotalk chat.


Later, step by step the journalists distracted the attention of the public from Burning Sun's VIP clients and VIP rooms, and this topic was totally buried under tons of disinformation, repeating the same details from Jung Jun Young's chat room conversations. That was just the journalists' interpretations, because what they showed to the public were just few sentences took out of the context (they don't even follow one after another but are taken out from different parts of the conversation) with so much censured words that the journalists (only few privileged journalists) acted like psychic to translate and explain us what actually Jung Jun Young and his friends meant saying this or that.


Why the journalists, who yeared the truth so much, didn't publish the whole conversations date by date (of course with the warning of "18+ only"), but at least the adult viewers and readers would see it. And why they didn't show us the hidden camera pics and videos uploaded in the chat (of course also properly censured) but at least we would know how bad they really are. Or if it's not possible to reveal the pics and videos then why not at least to be described in details. There is not even a single article with such information - only vague and fragmentary suggestions of what MUST be there. Probably there was a risk if they show us the real pics and conversations, the public would see is differently than it had to be by their plan.


So these chat room logs were proof of nothing but they greatly did their job - the public was shocked, disgusted by these celebrities doing such terrible things and totally forgot about the real much greater and horrible cases of sexual assaults that politicians and businessmen committed on innocent girls.


Here is an example how media posted manipulations in their articles.

The pic of the chat is not a screenshot from JJY's phone but photoshopped version of the supposed conversation. The participants in the conversation are Seungri, Mr Kim and Mr Park. This is supposed to be the proof of for the Hongcheon's r*pe case.

But why there is attached the pic of JJY and Jonghoon if they comment nothing on this conversation and they are not on the shared video and pics?!

Why there is no Seungri's pic - he watched the video of the supposed r*pe and commented "Who's that? KKK"!

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