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Chapter 5 - The chat
The story in 2018

  • November 2018 - anonymous denunciation

  • Female celebrities tell reporter Kang about the chat

  • Kang knew about JJY 2 years ago

  • Who could be the informant


After JJY's illegal filming case was closed by the prosecution, in October 2016, the girl who accused him disappeared and no one searched and talked about the alleged video or illegal filming for 2 years. But unexpectedly, in November 2018 (this is the part of the story that most of the people don't know), the police got an anonymous denunciation that in the private forensic company where JJY repaired his phone in 2016 there is a file containing JJY's illegal sex videos. The whistleblower claimed that if the police conduct search and seizure in that company, they'll find it there. 

The police asked the prosecution for a search and seizure warrant. The prosecution refused with the motive that this is probably about the same case that JJY was already acquitted. And that the prosecution analyzed the phone but couldn't find such file. But as the informant insisted that there is a proof for illegal filming, the police once again asked the prosecution for a warrant. The police also summoned for investigation the employee of the repair shop, who replied (according to the media claims in March 2019, but it's not confirmed by police) that there is a USB with JJY's video. But when the police requested him to submit that USB, he didn't respond or appear anymore. So, the prosecution refused to issue the warrant once again and police gave up. 

What an interesting situation! First, this happens November 2018! At the same time with the BS assault on Kim Sang Gyo. But KSG still was not made the case public, so the whistleblower still couldn't know about the BS crimes! Isn't it strange that the chat, that was used as an evidence in this scandal, appears parallelly with the assault, not as a consequence? 

So, he reported the chat NOT because he realized that these are the same bad guys and their collusion with police needs to be stopped (as lawyer Bang later claimed to be the whistleblower's motive to steal and leak the chat)!!! No, he didn't even report the chat at that moment but only JJY's video (he didn't even mention that this is the forensic work on JJY's phone)! The chat, police collusion etc. was not important for him at all but only the JJY's sex video with his ex-girlfriend! Then how a bit later he turned to be so much concerned about the police collusion and the "cycle of evil" of these celebrities? 

Later, Bang claimed that the informant was afraid (even that he is "trembling"!) of police because he has read about the police protection over the chat members. That he didn't submit the chat to police because they would cover the case. But then, why initially, in November, he called police to denounce that the USB is in the repair shop? If he is the employee of the repair shop, why he was not afraid to tell personally to the police that he has the USB? 

Source : 1, 2, 3, 4,.  Anyone is free to search for more links based on the keywords from the article. Please, do not use "google translate" if you do not understand Korean to translate the sources, because the results are usually incorrect and misleading.

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