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Chapter 4 - The chat
The beginning of the story in 2016

  • Jung Junyoung - accused of illegal filming

  • The police investigation

  • The phone - entrusted to private forensic company

  • The contradictions between the police and media claims in 2016 and 2019 

  • The case forwarded to the prosecution

  • The result of the prosecution's analysis

  • JJY acquired

  • Why the private company didn't extract the phone's data


Now it's time to talk about the chat itself. Everyone have heard about the chat, some parts of its content, its participants, JJY's "Golden Phone" and more but very few people actually know where this chat comes from, how and when it appeared for the first time and why exactly it is illegal and even more - it is forged.

It's a long and complicated story, but I have to tell it in details from the very beginning to make it comprehensible. As it starts with a story about JJY, his girlfriend, his phone and the investigation in 2016 most of the pris know nothing about it, but I'm sure that even most of the JJY international fans don't know the full story as most of these details never been published in the international news.

Everything starts in Feb 13, 2016 when JJY filmed 2 sec long video of his girlfriend. Later the rumors called it "sex video" but JJY and the girl claimed that in the video it was just a close shot on her breasts without sexual act. Later, she claimed that it was filmed without her consent. When the girl got to know about the video, she was afraid that someone else could see it, so she insisted JJY to erase it. For the moment, everything was amicably settled.

But on August 6th, when (according to JJY) they broke up, the girl filed a complaint in the police claiming that JJY illegally filmed parts of her body. As an evidence, she submitted a transcript of an edited audio recording of a conversation with JJY at the time of the incident (according to her words). But according to the police it was just a 5-min transcript out of the recorded 40-50 minutes and as it was edited, it can't be evidence. They asked her to submit the original full recording file, but she failed to do that. She also couldn't secure the video that JJY allegedly shot of her illegally. At the end, she withdrew her complaint. 

At the time, she said that it was an impulsive decision because she was angry that they broke up, and it was just a misunderstanding that they already settled. JJY said, the video was just a joke and taken with mutual consent. But later (in 2019), the girl complained that she had no money and power to sue him. So, she gave up, and she withdrew her complaint. By the way, at the end, this girl turned into an active fighter for women's rights and into a media star (even without to reveal her identity) giving interviews even to BBC!!

Here the interesting questions are: Why did she record her conversation with JJY? And it's not just a few minutes, but she recorded almost 1 hour! What did she expect to happen that she decided to record this? She planned it in advance? What was on the rest of the recorded file and why she didn't submit it? How she has only 5 min, but she doesn't have the other 45 min? Why the illegal filming was not a problem for her from Feb to August but then suddenly it turned into such a tragic problem. She claimed that she worried that someone could see this video, but in fact then (2016) she didn't claim that she saw the video shared in the group chat. And in the chat that was later revealed, this video really doesn't exist.

Source & useful links: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, Phone resetting links 1, 2,  BBC about JJY's girlfriend story 1, .  Anyone is free to search for more links based on the keywords from the article. Please, do not use "google translate" if you do not understand Korean to translate the sources, because the results are usually incorrect and misleading.

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