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Chapter 14 - The Hongcheon case

  • The manipulations of the media

  • Jonghoon is NOT accused or sentenced of sexual assault in Hongcheon!

  • JH does NOT appear in any of the 3 sex videos and unknown number of pics from Hongcheon

  • JH was accused but acquitted of molestation - "intent to kiss", that is a separate case, not related with the sexual assaults

  • Who are the victims and what are their claims


About the Hongcheon case, the info is extremely limited and fragmentary. From several thousands of articles in Korean regarding the sexual accusations and the trials, there are about less than 2 dozen of articles with some details about Hongcheon case and that reveal what really happened there. All the rest of the articles talk only about Daegu or regarding Hongcheon, shamelessly claim only absurd like "the victims filed complaints, against JH and JJY, of sexual assault", without mention that other guys are accused of that and without any details. 

Even during the trials, reporting from the courtroom, all Korean media didn't stop the manipulations claiming in every single article of these thousands that "JH and JJY sexually assaulted women in Hongcheon, January 2016 and Daegu, March 2016!! What is even more shocking, there are articles where the truth is mentioned at some point in the article, but it starts and ends with the same "JH and JJY raped women in Daegu and Hongcheon"!!

Lots of people would say "What does it matter if he is guilty of 1, 2 or more rapes, he is still guilty". BUT! First, as I explained in the previous chapter, there is not a single evidence or proof that the crime (and victim) exist at all, or it's just a lie and manipulation. And even IF such crime exist, there is no evidence or proof that JH took part in committing it. So, we can't consider him guilty without proofs. 

If anyone is able to provide any proof or evidence different from the "reconstructed" chat (like for example the one and only original of the chat JJY's phone), and not on editable Excel file; If the victim could prove that she is the woman on the photos and that she spent the night with them (the same night that is mentioned in chat conversation, not a different date); If she could prove that she was really unconscious and unable to resist; If there is a proof that JH took part in the indecent act; If there is a witness to testify that he saw with his eyes how JH commits adultery with that unconscious woman - then we all could consider him guilty. But since there is NOTHING of this - he is not guilty even if the judge issued a wrongful and unfair verdict!

Source : 1, 2, 3, 45 , 6,  .  Anyone is free to search for more links based on the keywords from the article. Please, do not use "google translate" if you do not understand Korean to translate the sources, because the results are usually incorrect and misleading.

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