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Chapter 11 - The alleged sexual assault in Daegu
The allegations of the victim

  • The victim's claims

  • They drank all night in 3 bars

  • She didn't book a room for herself in Daegu, so she went there to sleep in their room

  • She woke up nude with a man in the bed, but didn't suspect rape at all.

  • She doesn't even know who was there

  • She claims to be gang raped, but she didn't notice any traces of unwanted sex or traumas of her body

  • After the incident, she keeps friendly terms with the guys

  • Because of 6 photos from the bar, she got the idea that she was raped in the hotel​

  • A special team of 120 police officers couldn't find any physical or other objective proof of rape or her unconscious state

Warning! In this chapter - Sexual crimes description, sensitive content!

Now, let's see what the allegation of the woman is. On April, 18th, 2019, SBS FunE (again reporter Kang) reported about a woman A who claims that she was sexually assaulted by 5 men, including JH and JJY. In an interview, the woman explains her limited memories from the incident and her version of what happened that night. Just to highlight once again - this is ALL she remembers. She said that:

1. She knows JJY from 2012 and Kim from 2013, through an acquaintance (her friend was SR's girlfriend), they were like brothers for her and that's why she trusted them;
2. JJY invited her to come to his fan signing in Daegu on March 20 (2016);
3. JJY asked her to meet for a drink, the night before the fansigning;
4. She admits that she was taking anti-depressants at that time
5. There were 5 men (JJY, JH, Kim, Heo and Park). They all together went drinking at 3 different places and drank all night;
6. (At dawn) they invited her to their hotel suite for more drinking, and she went there voluntarily, despite she was already drunk;
7. After a few more drinking in the hotel, she loses her memories for the rest of the night (allegedly fall asleep);
8. When she woke up she was lying in the bed, naked, and she had a headache;
9. JH was on the bed, next to her (she didn't say he was naked, too)
10. She was not alone with JH. When she woke up, all the men were present in the room. They were laughing and playing jokes with her;
11. She asked for her underwear, but the men told her to find it herself. Mr. Heo asked her "Let's have sex" and made an indecent gesture towards her;
12. She got angry and told them to stop joking. She dressed and immediately left the hotel suite, because she felt ashamed.
13. She couldn't remember anything from that night, but didn't ask them, as she didn't suspect that she was raped.
14. For 3 years she had no idea at all that something happened that night, but when the chat appeared in media she got to think that she's maybe one of the victims;

Source : 1, 2, 3, 4, .  Anyone is free to search for more links based on the keywords from the article. Please, do not use "google translate" if you do not understand Korean to translate the sources, because the results are usually incorrect and misleading.

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