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Chapter 10 - The truth about the accusation of sexual assault

  • Jonghoon's sentence - "adultery", not "rape"

  • What is "sexual assault" and definition of "adultery" and "quasi-rape"

  • The defendants was not allowed to defend themselves in the media

  • Jonghoon pleads INNOCENT, even thought this is disadvantageous and leads to a harder sentence

  • A verdict written by the media and the public, not the court

  • The victim failed to prove the state of unconsciousness - the key condition in the law

  • The victim is not able to point on a certain perpetrator(s)

  • No objective proof of the victim's claims


In the previous chapters I wrote detailed about the background of the scandal - Burning Sun; Kim Sang Gyo and the conspirators; the political situation in Korea; Choi SoonSil; the National Nongdan and the plan for the Second Nongdan; lawyer Bang and reporter Kang; the whistleblower; the file's lack of authenticity and the forging of the chat; MobileLab; who and why extracted the chat; the lies and the manipulations of the media, etc. BUT! 

My blog is about Jonghoon and why he is innocent. Everything I wrote till now was only to make people understand WHY, HOW and WHO created this scandal, as it is not a naturally developed incident but intentionally provoked scandal. But Jonghoon is innocent not because of the conspirators, or because of BS, or because of the Nongdan... They are only the reason why he was falsely accused. The real proofs why he is innocent are the events and circumstances from the night of the alleged crime. He is innocent because of the allegations against him for that certain crime are false and baseless and there is not even a single proof that he is guilty.  If someone is able to bring me a proof for his guilt, I may change my mind.

To call someone guilty of anything, including sexual crime, there needs to be PROOFS, not only claims. Because everyone could claim whatever he wants, but if there is no proof of his words, it doesn't mean it is true. Just because he is sentenced, it's also not a proof for his guilt. Court mistakes are something common, and I could give lots of examples of how wrong could be a sentence. 

So, in this (and next 2) chapter I'll explain you in details why JH is innocent of the one and only sexual assault allegation (in Daegu), that he was accused of. In a further chapter I will explain you about the other sexual assault allegation (in Hongcheon) that the media falsely put on him (even not a victim or prosecution but only the media), and shamelessly repeat that he committed, but he has nothing to do with that.

Source : 1, 2, 3, 4(eng), 5 (eng), 6 (eng) .  Anyone is free to search for more links based on the keywords from the article. Please, do not use "google translate" if you do not understand Korean to translate the sources, because the results are usually incorrect and misleading.

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